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This might be the greatest cliche of all time, but I’m gonna say it anyway–The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Earlier this week, I was struck pretty randomly with the thought that I really want to know more about the whole “pray without ceasing” thing.  I pondered this thought for a few more moments, agreed with myself, and moved on (does anyone else ever agree with themselves?  no?  just me?  le sigh.).

A few days later and I haven’t really gone back to that whole prayer thought (see previous post about discipline.  again, le sigh).  While driving, I started zipping through radio stations trying to find something I could sing along to.  As I skipped through my presets, I listened to the Christian radio station, family-friendly WGTS…91.9.  (Now that jingle is stuck in your head! You’re welcome.)  In the split second that I stopped, I heard the word “prayer.”  I kept listening and it turned out to be Max Lucado talking about a different way to think of prayer.  I’ve tried to find this quote but alas, the interwebs proved too vast.  The general idea though was to stop thinking of prayer as a separate activity in your day and instead to think of it as an acknowledgement of God’s presence throughout your day.  I was a little dumbstruck to be honest and immediately thought, “Wow, Lord….a random quote on the radio station?”  But, refer to the first sentence in this post.  As I’ve continued to think about the whole thing, I’ve come to the realizations that 1) that random initial thought and random flipping through the radio stations are not random and 2) this is the kind of thing that the Lord wants me to share on this blog and this time I decided to listen!

Just a few quotes that I’ll be ruminating on with my new Max Lucado-insprired lenses:

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  Do not quench the Spirit.”  –1 Thess. 5: 16-19

“We are always in the presence of God…There is never a non-sacred moment.” –Max Lucado

“Prayer means keeping company with God who is already present.” –Phillip Yancey